General Enquiries

What voltage does Egypt have, and what kind of plugs?


Egypt has a voltage supply of 220V and the plugs are the 2 round pin type that is common throughout Europe (except the UK).

Can you purchase alcohol in Egypt?

Yes, alcohol is available in Egypt, either in the better hotels, higher class restaurants and cafes, pubs, and beer gardens. You will also find off-licenses as well. Please note though, it is illegal to drink alcohol in the streets in Egypt

Are there restrictions about bringing alcohol into the country?

Yes, you are only allowed to bring in 2 liters with you.

What is the legal drinking age in Egypt?

The legal drinking age is 21.

Do you have questions ??


will get an answer to your question with every help I can do to make your trip so enjoyable.

Can I take photographs inside the tombs?


No, photography inside tombs, including the pyramids and Abu Simbel, is strictly forbidden, which has led to all cameras being banned from the Valley of the Kings (you have to leave all cameras at the x-ray point at the second entrance). Excessive flash damages the paintwork inside the tombs and so, because of people who ignore the rules, draconian measures have been implemented to safeguard these ancient works of art. The simple rule of thumb when visiting sites is: no cameras inside, cameras are okay outside.


  I notice that the same sites seem to be repeated in every package tour program I see, are these the only sites available for tourists to see?

Though most companies will use the same sites for their packages, this is mainly because the majority of visitors are experiencing Egypt for the first time and so these are the “must see” sites. Egypt has literally hundreds of ancient sites which can be visited and it only takes a request for them to be explored.
